Frequently Asked Questions
What do we do?
Our goal is to assist you on your finance journey, whether that be purchasing your first or fifth home, upgrading, purchasing commercial property or a business.
How do we do this?
We have access to over 30 lenders in the market and use your specific needs and objectives to narrow down the search for the most suitable loan for you. The most suitable loan is one that works for you now and in the future for your financial goals.
We work together to present the application to the lender on your behalf, liaise with them during approval and your solicitor up until settlement.
How much can I borrow?
There are many factors that determine your borrowing amount, including your income & expenses. Reach out to us here to assist with your borrowing capacity. You can also read our latest blog post on Budgets & Savings to get some ideas.
How do you get paid?
If you decide to get a loan through us, we will be upfront with you as to whether there are fees involved or not. This will depend on the type of loan you are seeking. In most cases, we are paid by the lender after your loan settles.
What rate can you get me?
This is a very broad question as there is a different rate for every situation. Reach out to us here and we can have a conversation letting you know what your options are.